Board Thread:Roleplaying/@comment-32632608-20171008061252/@comment-32632608-20171105132746

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Cleo: Good job so far... Okay, hand me the mic. *Grabs the telecommunication mic and speaks into it*

"Hello? This is your captain, Cleo, speaking. You see, we cannot head back to New Suburbia given the... Circumstances there. However, in order to take your homes back, I need your cooperation. We cannot have freelancers inside the ship, that's why all of you will have jobs from now own. You can choose to be a part of the Calvary Teams, Researcher Teams, Sentry Teams, Caretaker Teams and lastly the Scavenger Teams. Allow me to summarize them for you..."

In the end, Cleo ends up explaining what each team does. The Calvary are multi purpose troopers who can aid any of the other teams and do their own thing. Researchers may enter the hidden labs without sneaking in and will have to focus on, well, research. Sentries will protect the ship itself from the outside and the inside, the peacekeepers. Caretakers make sure the ship is running, and care for their fellow crew by organizing supplies and power. Lastly, Scavengers will be the ones searching for the Golden Laptops, and soon, The Seeds themselves.

"So, did you get all that? Good. Get to the stations where you want to be employed in. Calvary, go to the hangar. Researches, await in the lab. Sentries, pick up a weapon and go outside. Caretakers, head to the supply stations. Scavengers... Come with me outside, and pack as much as possible. There will be mentors for each job, and they'll first check your capacity to do your jobs. If you fail their tests... We'll toss you off the ship. Any questions? Good."

Cleo: Well, that's that... Hey Eclipse, you're going to be a Scavenger, right?

Nevada: (I know what I'm applying for...) *Gets off the ship*

Bonk Choy: *Drops Ulgwark* Lucky you. *Spits near him* Primates like you should know their place, in the zoo. *Walks away*

A Primal Potato Mine in a wheelpot goes to Ulgwark, and pats him in the back with imaginary arms. They try to speak in a language that Ulgwark might understand

Primal Potato Mine: Daibol, galba abat. Yeer uwa neandarthalt.

As the narrator, I don't know what it said, but it sounded comforting.

Abra manages to get a look inside the lab. There were these figures inside giant test tubes, big machines, and all the plants/zombies there either wore lab coats or hazmat suits. Is there anything else he would like to do?

Someone jumps out of one of Onyx Tomb's ships.

???: Haha! Time to do my job. I'm so excited for this! *Extends his hand forward* Jamie Dystoperia, the Psychic Runner, is on the case

The moment he extend his hand, the ship goes faster until it reaches shore. Behind him, two Shieldcrushers come out from below, followed by Swashbucklers, Scallywag Imps, basically anything "pirate" and even some plant recruits.

Jamie: *Does a crude pirate accent* Alright ya seahogs, after th' loot! *Sips his energy drink*

The Energy Drink Zombie leads a bunch of zombies and a few plants blindly into the island. What awaits is unknown...

//If you are wondering, here is Jamie's character. He's reused from an RPG, if you feel like the name's familiar somewhere.

Name: Jamie Dystoperia (The Psychic Runner)

Age: 17

Zombie Type: Energy Drink Zombie

Alignment: Onyx Tomb

Background: Jamie was the star member of the track team for his school, who just ran amok buying any energy drinks he could find. One time, this pack of energy drinks came with a pair of gloves. He wore them, and happily left shop. On his way back home, he was nearly ran over by a car. When it was about to hit him, it flung back 30 feet away. He rushes back home to experiment with it, and these gloves gave him psychic abilities. What did he do with his power? Well, he got into all sorts of adventures, until he was picked up by Onyx Tomb as a mercenary, and soon, third in command.

Skills/Equipment: His equipment is a leather bandana, an armored jacket, and this special energy drink that rejuvinates him. He has access to psychic powers thanks to his gloves too.