Board Thread:Roleplaying/@comment-32632608-20171008061252/@comment-32632608-20171118155428

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???: Excellent. *Ahem*, I believe in hands on training. You will be free to explore this research facility, and though I, the Overseer, will be watching you, I will not interfere unless the situation goes out of hand.

The Overseer turns around, facing a canister containing the abomination of an Octo Zombie-Ghost Pepper hybrid. He taps the glass a few times, triggering the creature to scream, beating it's head against the container.

Overseer: Oh, and I hope you can deal with some... Rowdy ones here. I owe you an explanation, I suppose? Well, here it is. This serves as a database for uncharted history and as a weapon lab. It also uses volunteers' bodies after death to conduct special tests. We work on artifact scanning and history as well, but genetic exploitation will be our main course of action. These special tests of ours create these... Things, like this hybrid. In here, workers either create these fusions, or experiment with these fusions through duels. And, that's the basics of the Research branch. Go look for an Experiment to test, make one yourself, look at the history archives if your curious on the real past.

Jamie: *To Eclipse* Then we'll just have to not see each other, then? That's pretty mean... Welp, the Golden Laptop here is ours! Unless... *Points his can at Ulgwark* One of you wants to object?

Nevada: We aren't giving up on that laptop, right Cleo?

Cleo: Agreed. *Moves forward*

With every closing inch, Cleo started floating up the ground, circled up by metals pulled out from underground. Cleo was soon in front of Jamie, high above the ground.

Cleo: Don't test me, Psychic Runner. I know much more about this power than you'll ever do in a hundred years.

Jamie: Then you must be a really old guy, huh? Stop acting all high and mighty for once. Cleo, Emerald Leaf is just as bad as Onyx Tomb, if not, it's worse! *Looks behind him, pointing at the army behind* Shieldcrusher Vikings, do what you must. The rest of you pirates, let's look for that Golden Laptop. *Was about to leave, but stops to say one last thing* Oh, and Cleo. Remember the Fragments War, will ya? Bye! *Disappears into the forest*

Nevada: Fragments War?

Cleo: We'll talk later! Take these things out first!

2 Shieldcrusher Vikings that remained are to fight the group, and it shows, as they start charging at Ulgwark and Nevada. Cleo, from above, is flinging mounds of steel at the Vikings, and Nevada is struggling to hold the Shieldcrusher Viking that's after him off with ice javelins. At least this isn't the whole army, right?