Board Thread:Roleplaying/@comment-32632608-20171102113933

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If you happened to stop by this thread, enjoy your stay! I haven't seen an RP explore this idea, so let's get to it, shall we!


Lazaret is filled with beings that are all odds and ends. Same could be said about the whole place. A constantly changing world leaves it's people in shambles. Yet, there is something that keeps the world together, and they are Divines. They would reside in Lazaret as hope, and their faithful followers will be the beacons to spread aspiration. Problem, they mostly have different ideologies, and would create entire wars just to prove the other wrong... Sigh. These are the bastions of hope, everyone.

But let's not ignore the followers! These guys are the only reason why Divines get all their power, after all. The brave, or stupid, heroes who grab their weapon of choice and do things in the name of their divinity.

However, there's been a lot of problems... There are those who are beginning to have ill fate towards the Divines, advocating against them, saying that they are the reason why Lazaret is in such a terrible state. At first it was just people abandoning the Divines, now it evolved to something wrong. Divines are beginning to die, and these were not accidents. Good luck to the Divines and their followers, but can they find a way to stop this unknown menace from doing more harm?

What You Should Do

  • No OP and UP characters.
  • No Mary Sues.
  • Randomness is not allowed.
  • No Spamming.
  • Do not kill any character without owner's permission.
  • You must have 1 Divine at the start. You can only have up to 4 Divines at a time.
  • You must have 1 Follower at the start, or else your Divine will be a useless god/goddess
  • Konosuba joke goes here*
  • do you're best to have proper gramerr and speling.

Character Creation

For Divines

Name: (What are they called?)

Title: (What are they a Divine for? Divine of Prosperity, Divine of Nature... Just to name a few examples.)

Species: (I'm allowing a lot of stuff for this within reason. Be a tree-man, be a fairy, be a dragon, as long as you have limitations and weaknesses so you don't come off as a Mary Sue.)

Background: (Where did they come from?)

Personality: (How are they like?)

Abilities And Gears: (This is pretty self explanatory like the last two)

Followers: (Name the followers your Divine has, this can be updated so don't worry!)

For Followers

Name: (The only thing I could fill in the test paper during exams)

Species: (I'm allowing a lot of stuff for this within reason. Be a tree-man, be a fairy, be a dragon, as long as you have limitations and weaknesses so you don't come off as a Mary Sue.)

Background: (Where did they come from and how did they meet their Divine?)

Personality: (What are they like?)

Abilities and Gears: (Pretty self explanatory)

Motivations: (Why are they their Divine's underlings- I mean, loyal soldiers?)

For Divine-Less Characters

Name: (The only thing I could fill in the test paper during exams)

Species: (I'm allowing a lot of stuff for this within reason. Be a tree-man, be a fairy, be a dragon, as long as you have limitations and weaknesses so you don't come off as a Mary Sue.)

Background: (Where did they come from?)

Personality: (What are they like?)

Abilities and Gears: (Pretty self explanatory)

Motivations: (What is their purpose in Lazaret?)

Yes, you can make your own villains. The format is the same for them.

The Characters


Stella Susserelle, Divine of Stars: Easily, she is an energetic and adventurous person, but is actually quite lonely. Born from the cosmos, and lives in Lazaret. She feels pity to it's residents, and so she wanted to brighten things up. Now almost everyone gets the chance to shine or prove themselves for their own purpose, and have the stars guide them. She wants to learn of her past.

Naomi Kalenda, Divine of BeliefShe is quite cheerful, with a very positive look and always relying on her instincts. He can be disappointed a lot because of her expectations, but she will always try to cheer both herself and the other person up. Unfortunately, she isn't very analytical and lets emotions do more work than her actual mind. When the people of Lazaret asked for a symbol of hope, they built the largest temple known in history, and gave a maiden to become the host of the Divine of Belief. The maiden had become the host of Naomi Kalenda, the Divine Lazaret seeked. There was a sense of hope after she was born, and people started having goals, aspirations, faiths, all thanks to her. She was one of the most popular Divines - Keyword, was. In the present day, Naomi isn't very famous as a Divine, as her abilities aren't very special in comparison to other Divines. This doesn't break her morale, as Naomi does her job more than ever to give hope to Lazaret's people, her creators.

Zaroth, Divine of Evolution: He's very focused on what he does, isn't afraid to speak his mind, and sees every living thing not as people or animals, but as DNA. Zaroth was created from the literal primordal soup of lazaret become the primal force of change in the world while there are not exactly temples to him the simple act of improving something is enough for him to exist.

Komill Mintha, Divine Of Nature: Komill is a bit of a clutz. As in - she's not that bright, and ALWAYS trusts and forgives people. She's maybe too nice, but this forgiveness is her weak point. She keeps forgetting who she's talking to, and treats them all as if they are her friends - even if they are actually enemies - and thus, she is frequently getting backstabbed by many, many people. Her story starts underground, where she was once a normal fairy, exploring the depths of a deep cavern. She didn't know that the cavern was going to collapse on top of her when she pulled out a giant emerald gemstone, and was thus caught in the collapsing cavern. She survived, but was actually concealed by a shell of vines somehow - the emerald gemstone she found was linked to nature, and over time, the two fused - and Komill proudly let herself be known as the Divine of Nature out of... a bit of a stupid reason, actually. It was only her stubborness that really changed her.

Cadreku, Divine of Venom: The last of the Imoogi, a race of great serpents which lived in the heavens. They began to strangely die out upon the destruction of the Yuh Yi Joo, an essence with the ability to turn an Imoogi chosen by the heaven to turn into a celestial dragon. With him being the last of his kind, the heavens instructed him to descend to earth, develop poisonous traits like mortal serpents and search for what's left of the Yuh Yi Joo.


Siri Ustarine, Follower of Stella Susserelle: He is a childish adviser who likes to be helpful to his Divine. Siri came from Lazaret as an ordinary bookworm of the place. He had a dream to visit the cosmos one day and so it happened. He secretly entered a rocket that was meant for an expedition and used this chance to explore. However, he got lost in his travels and had no idea what to do, until he met Stella. Since then, he had idolized her and eventually became her first follower.

Kaelan Io, Follower of Naomi KalendaShe doesn't really talk much, and is afraid of looking people in the eye, which is why she always wears a cap. Kaelan is significantly more pessimistic than her Divine, and is more strategic, analytical. Kaelan is a detective apprentice, who was tasked to solve a murder case in order to become a fully fledged detective. She and her partner excitedly accepts, and went on searching. Sadly, Kaelan uncovered the truth, and learns that her partner was the guilty party. Because it was her job, she let authorities know, and betrayed her partner. The hatred from the person that was once her friend still lingers in her memory, and she had been afraid of discovering the truth ever since. One day she visited the shrine of the Divine of Beliefs and made a wish, giving a grand offering. Naomi takes her under her wing from the care in her heart. Kaelan soon became one of Naomi's most known followers - Or, would it be better to say, one of Naomi's only followers?

Steve Salo, Follower of Zaroth: He used to be human until a divine experiment turned him into a lizard person. Steve used to work at a chemical plant developing new... poisons. While working, some particarly potent chemicals caught the attention of Zaroth who tried to help, successfully producing one of the most potent poisons ever. Steve soon relised what he had just created but only after the toxine was used.... He pledge his life to Zaroth hoping that he could by helping him redeem himself for what he had done. this was somthing that never happened before so zaroth happly exepted his new assistant.

Actaeon Talehot, Follower of Komill Mintha: Fusion of a dragon and a vampire, but not naturally. Actaeon was just a normal human when he was doing some errands for his family - you know, taking out the rubbish, fetching some groceries, etc. But when he got back home, he discovered his father and mother were actually genetic scientists - but were also NOT his biological parents. Actaeon was forced to be the subject of their next fusion - they fused him with vampire and dragon DNA. The result? Well, he kind of became a flying and blood-thirsty monster, so it was a great success; before he flew away through the roof!  Actaeon is very aggressive to a point, and eager to help other people with his unbreakable determination. He's also rather bloodthirsty and sometimes dis-functional in the fact he can't control his vampire side, he often rushes at someone JUST to take even a bite out of them for blood. He is... rather bad at socializing because of this.

Atrox, Follower Of Cadreku: An unknown entity lacking emotion. Atrox was born from darkness, trapped for centuries in the void. Upon finally being released by Cadreku, Atrox pledged his life to Cadreku.


Maite AmayaMaite has the typical traits of a succubus - she's rather... wanting. She is often trying to get help of others through possible means, and obviously tries really hard at it - it works, her caring and sweet-talking nature is actually very effective, even if it goes too far, it still works. Though, she's... also very sensitive, and thus has a short fuse on her. Created by scientists who wanted to experiment if humans could be born from some forms of plants - Maite was welcomed into the world somehow disjointed from mortal life. Though inexplainable, the scientists wanted to go further - seeing as they had specific demon DNA in the lab. They decided to test it on Maite - and surprise surprise, it worked - and she gained her succubus species, leeched some life of the scientists before killing them all of, and is fleeing around the world, leeching life wherever she needs it.<ac_metadata title="Hallow Lazaret"> </ac_metadata>