It can instantly kill a zombie above it, offering a prompt to devour and instantly vanquish a zombie while below it (similar to the prompt that appears when a Chomper is behind most zombies), unless they are on a mounted ability like the Big Bolt Blaster or Cannon Rodeo, in which case they will be forced out of that ability.
While Burrowing, the stamina is displayed in a meter at the bottom of the screen, called Dig Power. The reduction rate of the Burrow stamina meter will drop if the player does not move when the ability is activated. It takes 15 seconds to recharge, but swallowing a zombie reduces the cooldown of Burrow by an unknown amount of time.
The Chomper's ultimate weapon. He has the ability to tunnel underground and ambush unsuspecting Zombies by emerging under their feet and swallowing them whole!
Battle for Neighborville
Instantly vanquish enemies by targeting them from underground. Press [Fire] to eat your target.
Associated upgrades (Battle for Neighborville only)
Well Fed
When using Burrow reduces Dig Power consumption when moving slow.
Standing still or moving slow in Burrow increases Burrow's duration by 100% (22 seconds).
● 2
Move faster for a short time by earning a vanquish with Burrow.
Increases movement speed by 55% for 5 seconds upon vanquishing an enemy with Burrow, move faster when digesting.
● 2
Create a Spikeweed at Chomper's location by earning a vanquish with Burrow.
Spawn multiple Spikeweeds that last for 90 seconds each.
Garden Warfares 1 & 2
While using Burrow, the player must remember that they are not immune to attacks while going underground and getting out of the ground. If used in the heat of battle, you cannot attack, which can allow an enemy to easily vanquish you. It is best to start using Burrow far from the enemy, and try to swallow an enemy that is alone.
Due to the noise Burrow makes, it is best not to try and attack an Engineer, as they could hear you and use their Sonic Grenade or Proximity Sonic Mine to stun you, and possibly vanquish you.
Be extremely careful! Typically, zombie players panic and don't react well when Chompers are Burrowing towards them and it's because of this that the players get vanquished real quickly by them. In the first game, when about to start a round of Gardens and Graveyards, the player should stay in the back of the first area of a map. Just in case a Chomper has Burrowed near the entrance of where the zombie players come out of, and will try to Burrow a player typically for a 1st Strike badge.
If a Chomper is using Burrow, you should try to get to higher ground, as the Chomper will probably be unable to reach you while using Burrow.
An Engineer can stun a Chomper using Burrow with their Sonic Grenades, and the Engineer will even gain XP for doing so. However, if the player is not an Engineer, if there is a Loudmouth Bot nearby, they can lure the Chomper towards said bot, as the Loudmouth Bot can also stun a Burrowing Chomper.
If an All-Star can be fast enough, they can also escape a Burrowing Chomper by firing an Imp Punt as the Chomper is eating them. If the Imp Punt was fired at the right time, it will explode and vanquish the Chomper, leaving the All-Star alive.
Just getting to higher ground and using everything you got is probably the only to avoid a Burrowing Chomper. Be aware of your surroundings, listen for the sound of the Burrowing, and try your best to avoid the Chomper.
Battle for Neighborville
Because this ability has a lot of weaknesses, it's highly recommended to only burrow unsuspecting enemies, such as a sniping Captain Deadbeard, or enemies that are running away. It's not recommended to try and burrow a Scientist as they can use their Warps and escape from you, or an Engineer, as they're immune to burrow while sprinting and can use their Bullhorn Swarm to force you out. Using this ability in the middle of a firefight is not recommended, as you may get killed while entering and exiting burrow. Use the ability behind a cover, then try to reach your enemy in a way that they won't immediately notice.
To ensure that the enemies don't use their abilities and counter you, you can throw a Grody Goop towards them and then burrow them. That way, it would make it hard for them to use their abilities to escape.
There are multiple ways to counter a burrowing Chomper. The easiest way is to use Engineer and his Bullhorn Swarm to forcibly cancel their burrow, then kill them while they're stunned. You can also try to run away, but because they move faster while using the ability, you'll need to use abilities such as Warp or Sprint Tackle to outrun them, or something like Rocket Jump, Hyper Jump Thump, or Gravity Smash to jump to a higher place they can't reach (unless if you use Engineer where he's immune to it while sprinting).
With some characters, luring a burrowing Chomper is one of the most effective strategies to counter them, provided that you don't get caught in a goop. Stand still or walk backwards while they're heading towards you, and then activate an ability within a split second before they swallow you. The timing has to be right; if it's too soon, you might waste your ability and get killed, but if it's too late, you would get swallowed and won't be able to use your ability as the game disables your input during the unburrow animation.
Only some characters can reliably do this. If you use Foot Soldier, you can aim towards the ground and use your ZPG ability to deal 175 damage and kill them, but this is relatively risky as it might only deal 50 damage if it doesn't directly hit the Chomper. With an All-Star, either use Sprint Tackle to knock the Chomper back and forcibly cancel their burrow, or aim towards the ground and use Imp Punt if they only have 100 HP or below to instantly kill them. And with Captain Deadbeard, you can use Anchor's Away and it will cancel their burrow. You can then use Barrel Blast to weaken or kill them.
It's also possible to do this with 80s Action Hero by using Dynamite Dodge if the Chomper has a very low HP, but because of its small blast radius, there's a chance that it won't be sufficient to kill them. And with Super Brainz, you can use Super Ultra Ball. However, because it only deals 125 damage on direct hit, and it doesn't allow you to cancel their burrow animation, this is quite risky unless if you're certain that they have 125 HP or less.
Description of Burrow
A Chomper vanquishing a Buckethead Zombie using Burrow