Plants vs. Zombies 3: Welcome to Zomburbia/Dialogue

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If my systems f-f-f-freeze up, we could be stuck here forever!
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They can be tough nuts to crack.
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We have arrived moments before our departure!
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This is all of the storyline dialogue from Plants vs. Zombies 3: Welcome to Zomburbia and its previous versions.

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These are the dialogues used in the current version of Plants vs. Zombies 3: Welcome to Zomburbia.

Day 1

Campground - Level 5

(After complete the level and unlock Grapes of Wrath, Crazy Dave appears)

Dave: Grrrropple-dopple-hey there, friend! I'm Crazy Dave. Thanks for helping me with my little zombie problem...

Taco: Who are you talking to, Crazy Dave?

Dave: Holy guacamole, it's a talking taco. Some body pinch me - I must be dreaming!

Taco: You're a lot smarter than you took! Come along with meeeeeeeeee, i wanna show you something...

Campground - Level 6

(Dave and Taco appear)

Dave: Hey, i recognize this place... it's Camp Lost Keys, and it's swarming with zombies!!!

Taco: I'll make you a deal - if you take 'em all out, i' ll let you take a big bite of my scrumptious filling!

Dave: It's time for my secret weapon... A big bunch of BLAMMM-DIGGITY-BOOM-BAM

(Dave and Taco leave)

(After completing the level and obtaining the Boost Plants)

Taco: Oh boy! Here comes ANOTHER wave of ravenous zombies! They look EXTRA hungry...

Taco: Aay, doesn't your little NIECE go to summer camp here? The one with the big tasty BRAIN?

Dave: FRAM-PLOPPLE, you're right! My bestest niece, Patrice is at Camp Lost Keys right now. I hope she's okay.

Taco: I guess that'll be up to you... here they come! WHOOOPEEEEE!!!

Campground - Level 7

(Dave appear)

Dave: We've gotta stop the zombies from reaching the campground... Patrice's life is at take!

(Dave leave)

(After completing the level)

Dave: This CLOP-SWADDLE dream is freakin' me out. Gotta wake up... but How?!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!

Taco: Don't be ridiculous! We're having sooooooooo much fun. Let's stay here together FOREVER...

Dave's House

Patrice Blazing arrives

Patrice: Hey Uncle Dave, I'm back from summer camp! Sang, look at this MESS...

Patrice: Uncle Dave? You home? Huh... maybe he's out back in his workshop.

(Suddenly Mo arrives to stop her)


Patrice: HEY, WATCH IT! You almost mowed my toes off!


"Earn Mo's Trust" Task

Patrice: PLEASE don't mulch me! Uncle Dave's password has gotta be... uhh...GRAGGLE?



Patrice: Wait... I know! Tacos!!!

(Mo deactivates his attack mode)


Patrice: Some welcome... Are we cool now? Who are you, and where's Uncle Dave?!!

Mo: I am Mo. Creator Dave is in state of food-induced hibernation. Follow me to his charging station.

"Wake up Crazy Dave" Task

Mo: Creator Dave has been unconscious for 59 days, 6 hours, 26 minutes...

Patrice: Sheesh! That's a long nap, even for Uncle Dave!


(Dave wake up)

Dave: Hrrrm? Where am i? Patrice, why in grak-urrrrp are you home from summer camp already?!

Patrice: You've been asleep for TWO MONTHS! I'm pretty sure you slept right through a full-blown zombie invasion!

Dave: I did? Are you sure? Oh no... MY SIGN! We've gotta update my sign!

"Fix Dave's Sign" Task

Dave: As Neighborville's official zombie-marshall it's my civil duty to keep this sign up-to-date!

(The player chooses the decoration)

Dave: There... HOLY MOLEY! According to this sign, THE ZOMBIES ARE BACK! We've gotta stop them from wrecking Neighborville!

Patrice: Look around - I think we might be too late! How did this happen?

Dave: I have no idea... my HOGWOBBLE memory is awful fuzzy...

Patrice: Come on, Uncle Dave - try to remember!

"Try To Remember" Task

Dave: Hmm... the lst thing I can remember is waving goodbye as the bus took you off to summer camp. After that, everything is a little blurry...


Dave: And you're tellin' me i was out cold for two while months? That's a long nap, even for me! Hey, what's with all that humm bummmple purple fog?

Patrice: You're guess is as good as mine. Maybe there's a clue hiding under all this junk on the lawn...

"Search For Clues" Task

(Crazy Dave finds a clue while clearing the clutter!)

Dave: Look what I found, Patrice! This newspaper was purrghied two days after you left for summer camp... Zombies return to Neighborville!

Patrice: It says here that the mysterious purple fog has a strange mind-numbing effect on people. That sounds like Dr. Zomboss' evil handwork!

Patrice: Here's another one - the Daylee Brainz?? It says that using his new Z-Fog Technology. Dr. Zomboss invades Neighborville and renamed it "Zomburbia"!

Patrice: We can't let him get away with this. We've got to get rid of that nasty fog and take back our Town! But How?!!

Dave: Using some kind of bibby cobblicoot gizmo, I'll wager... and a whole lotta help from our Floral friends!

Dave: First things first, let' s plant some Lawn defenders to defend my sweet lawn.

"Plant Lawn Defenders" Task

(Crazy Dave puts his green thumb to work...)

Dave: What a FIZZZ-BLAMMO fine lookin' bunch!

Patrice: I don't know... this Pea-shooter's leave look a little limp. Protecting the Lawn is a big job, and the zombie attack are only gonna get tougher...

Patrice: Let's set up some training dummies on the lawn and get some practice in!

"Place Training Dummies" Task

(The player chooses the decorations)

Dave: Stand back, Patrice! Let's see what these plants can do...


Mo: Declaration: Victory! Creator Dave, your plants are in fighting shape and ready for zombie-destroying duty.

Patrice: We still need a way to clear out all the Z-Fog, if we want to reclaim our Town... any right ideas yet?

Dave: Erm... I could build a... uhm... A LEMONADE STAND!

Patrice: A lemonade stand... that leans up toxic fog, somehow?

Dave: No, no... it just HAS lemonade. I can't think straight when I'm thirsty!

"Lemonade Break!!!" Task

(The player chooses the decorations)

Dave: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! That's good lemonade... My brain feels lemony fresh!

(Meanwhile, back at Dr. Zomboss' lair...)

Dr. Zomboss: Tugboat?!! Where have you Been?!!

Tugboat: Tugboat!

Dr. Zomboss: For TWO MONTHS?!! When I sent you to se date Crazy Dave with that snoozy taco I specifically told you NOT TO EAT THE LEAFT-OVERS!!!

Tugboat: Tugboat...

Dr. Zomboss: HE'S AWAKE?!! How is that possible? No matter. Dave and his detestable plants will NEVER stop me...

Dr. Zomboss: ...not without some kind of enormous lying fog vacuum. What a preposterous idea!

(Back to Crazy Dave)

Dave: EUREKA! I'll build an enormous lying fog vacuum! I've got everything we need, out back in my worship... LET'S GO!

Day 2

(Approaching the mysterious Z-Fog...)

Patrice: Uh oh... The Z-Fog is blocking our path! We shouldn't breathe it in for too long... What do we do?

Mo: Suggested course of action: This fog may be diluted enough for ME to disperse with my rotors.

Dave: No way, little buddy. That stuff could rust your mobo-doo gears right off!

Mo: Outcome improbable: I calculate a 90% chance of successful fog despersion. Stand Aside...

(Mo goes to the workshop and disperses the fog)

Dave: You did it, Mo! Gorgg-dibbit, are you alright?

Mo: *SPUTTER-COUGH* All systems operational....although I May not be as fog-resistant as calculated.

Dave: If we're gonna build a giant fog vacuum I'll need my trusty flabbit-glapp multi-tool. It's over there, in the shed.

Patrice: Jeepers, the zombies really wrnt to toen in here... YECCHHH!

Patrice: I'm not wading through that sea of zombie junk... Let's clean it up!

"Clean up Zombie Junk" Task

(351 pounds of zombie junk later...)

Mo: Charging station alert! A welcome sight: power cells at 2%...

Dave: Rest up, little bud y. You've earned it. We'll got my flabbit-glapp multi-tool and see what we can find to build the fog-vacuum.

Dave: While we're here, i can brew up some more of my secret plant formula at the workbench. Our plant pals will be ready for anything!


Tugboat: Tugboat!

Dr. Zomboss: What? You defaced Dave's workshop with spray-paint? How does that help us?

Dr. Zomboss: it IS blatant ly disrespectful, which I love, but won't he just paint over it? Let's stick to MY PLANS, hmm?

Dr. Zomboss: Like the one to hack Crazy Dave's little robot sidekick and make it do My bidding... Now THAT'S a plan! MWA-HA-HA!

Dr. Zomboss: Tha mechanical manace will wreak havoc and steal Crazy Dave's secret plant formula. Soon, I'll know how to destroy those pesky plants forever!

(Back to Crazy Dave and Patrice)

Patrice: Even for zombies, this artwork os atrocious. I mean, I'm assuming it was zombies... considering how bad it is!

Dave: Looks can be deceiving, Patrice. We'd better analyze the paint, just to be sure...

"Analyze Spray Paint" Task

Patrice: EWW! Uncle Dave, did you really just lick the PAINT?

Dave: BLAH-PTEW! ZOMBIE PAINT! Just as I suspected. But why they paint my shed?

Dave: That's just blatant ly disrespectul. I durrgha can't stand it when people hog whizzle my stuff......

Patrice: Let's put a fresh coat of paint on this shed! Lucky for us, i got my shed-painting badge at summer camp!

"Repaint Shed" Task

Dave: Much better... and lookie what I found inside - my flabbit glapp multi-tool! With it, we can begin building the fog vacuum to save Neighborville!

Dave: All we need is a jet engine, some pipple-gripe, a washing machine, a few parts for the bropple-gurk, and some kinda big balloon...

Patrice: Before we gather all that stuff, we gotta get rid of that creepy Zomboss poster. It's givin' me the willies.

Patrice: "VOTE FOR ZOMBOSS?" Must be some kind of sick joke. I'll slap one of MY posters right over his ugly mug!

Dave: GROPPLE idea! I'm gonna put up a neon sign to brighten up the place and make it feel less like a spooky graveyard.

"Hang New Poster" Task

Patrice: Much better! As if anyone would vote for Zomboss...

Patrice: Unless it was in a "grossest rubbery skin" contest. HA!

"Install Neon Sign" Task

Dave: Ooo, that's a bright new blargle sign. Now, let's see... where did I put that jet engine?

Dave: Well Patrice, I've got good news and bad news... the BAD news is that someone stole most of the parts we need for our fog-vacuum.

Dave: The GOOD news is that I'm almost out of clean laundry.

Patrice: That's... NOT good news, Uncle Dave.


Patrice: Mo, what gives?! You just broke Uncle Dave's workbench!

Mo: Did I do thaaat? How clumsy of me. - BZZT-

Dave: Erm, I needed that to mix plant food and fertilizer into my secret super plant formula. Without it, we can't beat the zombies!

Patrice: You should be more careful, Mo. C'mon, Uncle Dave. Let's build a new workbench so we can feed our growing army of plants!

"Restore Workbench" Task

Dave: Per-fecta-mundo! I even whipped up some tasty rations for our fightin' foliage!

Dave: Speakin' of snacks... I could sure go for a quick grobble. Let's check the Snack-u-lux 5000!

Dave: Huh... that's odd. The zombies must have cut the power cord... the Snack-u-lux 5000 is piddle-flibbed!

Mo: Yes... the zombies... BZZT-It could only have been the zombies!

Dave: Robgrumble-zombies! Oh well, nothing my trusty flabbit-glapp can't fix. I'll have this ol' snack fridge up and running in a jiffy!

"Repair Snack Fridge" Task

Dave: The Snack-u-lux 5000 is up and wrobble! Now, if only I had some food to refrigerate... I'm starvin'.

Mo: I am starving too: starving for knowledge. Like that secret plant formula of yours. Give me the recipe.

Dave: Mo, you look different. Did you get a haircut or something?

Mo: Negative. -BZZT- I am completely unchanged... Tell me the secret plant formula.

Patrice: You sure you're okay? Why are you so interested in Uncle Dave's secret plant formula all of a sudden?

Dave: Maybe we should hook him up to his charging-station and rubtubble a diagnostic...

Mo: I do not require a -BZZT-diagnostic check. I require only the secret plant formula!

"Run Diagnostic on Mo" Task

Dave: BLOGFIGGLE! I think I know why Mo's been acting so weird...

Patrice: Does it have something to do with that huge Z-TECH device hanging off the back of his charging station?

Dave: Yes! Mo's been hacked! Whatever this gorpaloo is, it's hardwired directly into his flung bungle. I'll have to remove it...

Patrice: That sounds like a very delicate operation... is it dangerous?

Dave: BIG-TIME dangerous! Good thing I brought my trusty flabbit-glapp. Give me a hand, Patrice...

"Remove Hacking Device" Task


Dave: GROSSLE GABBA HUMM-BAX! I think I might have boppled Mo's memory core... this is bad. Say something, lil buddy!

Mo: ...

Patrice: Oh, no! Mo, can you hear me?! He's not breathing, Uncle Dave

Dave: That's actually pretty normal for a lawnmower, but we'll need to reboot him.

Dave: This charging station is borkled. He needs a new one, pronto... hopefully our little buddy is still alive in there, somewhere

"Construct New Charging Station" Task

(Crazy Dave puts his multi-tool to work!)

Dave: Mo's new charging station is fully operational. Now for the reboot sequence... this shouldn't take long!

(5 Excruciatingly Long Hours Later...)

Patrice: Everything's hooked-up, but Mo's operating system won't reboot! Why isn't it working, Uncle Dave?

Dave: I'm stumped! If only I had my thinking chair, I could figure this out... but someone's stolen that, too!

Patrice: Why don't you just build a new chair? It's only a chair, right?

Dave: ONLY A CHAIR? That chair had everything! A seat, a back, 4 legs... okay, I guess it was pretty normal, except for the rocket boosters.

"Build a Chair" Task

Dave: Hot durghh-blubbah. A man could get some serious thinkin' done in a chair like this!

Dave: Stand back, Patrice. I need to stretch out and ploint scoobie things over for a while...

(One while later...)

Dave: GEBBLE KLONK! I was lookin' at the problem from the wrong angle...

Dave: Mo's lubb-garrble won't update and reboot because the satellite dish is broken!

Patrice: Hurry up and fix it, before Mo drifts off to that big headlight in the sky... Stay away from the light, Mo!

"Repair Satellite" Task

Mo: System reboot completed: Creator Dave? What happened?

Mo: My internal memory logs contain several errors...

Dave: MO! Thank ROHRL, you're alive!!!

Patrice: Dr. Zomboss corrupted your hard-drive with his 2-Tech. You were out of control! You really don't remember what happened?

Mo: Negative. Accessing Memory backups... oh dear... oh NO... WHAT HAVE I DONE?

Mo: Shameful confession: According to these files, this unit completely destroyed Creator Dave's garden.

Patrice: The garden? But, that's where all the little plants grow. We better get over there and check on them!

Dr. Zomboss: Drat! I've lost control of Crazy Dave's mower-bot minion. At least my plan was not a complete failure...

Dr. Zomboss: We managed to mulch his precious garden into a GORE-DEN. Mwa-ha-ha! Onto the next phase of my brilliant master plan!

Tugboat: T...Tugboat?

Dr. Zomboss: A what?! A VACATION? Absolutely NO vacations until rule the world. Or at least Neighborville... BACK TO WORK!

Day 3

Patrice: Rats! The garden is swamped with Z-Fog... we've gotta save whatever plants are left!

Mo: I will gladly volunteer my services once again. Please, stand back while I decontaminate the area.

Dave: NO WAY! You can't keep exposing yourself to that gribble! You're not indestructible you know...

Mo: It is the least I can do. The atrocities I committed in that garden... simply do not compute.

Dave: Chin up, little buddy... whatever you did, it can't be THAT bad!

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10