
From Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
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Hey there my homies and welcome to the latest episode of Dragon Meme Z, featuring Knuckles the Echidna and Dante from the Devil May Cry series!

This is MeVsZombiesMeWin, a Vietnamese Smash player. If you wanna get rekt by my 720nairscoping Shulk fam then add me on 3DS 3540-1270-5229.


(will add later in case I forgot any of you)



Video games

  • 2D fighting games
  • Platformer games
    • Mega Man and X series
    • Mario main series (preferably Super Mario 64 DS, New Super Mario Bros.)
    • Kirby series 
  • Strategy and RPG games
    • Fire Emblem series: FE1, FE2, FE3, FE8, FE9, FE11, FE12, FE13
    • Age of Empires: The Age of Kings (the DS one)
    • Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings (the PC one)
    • Mario & Luigi series
    • Mega Man Battle Network series
    • Final Fantasy Tactics A2


  • AAA "game" titles
  • Sports
  • Weeaboos/furries
  • "Gamers" who value graphics and FPS over real gameplay experience and replay value

Fresh and dank maymes

(under construction)