User blog:Da Cuke 45/Pinata Parties Ideas- Boss Week

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Boss Week

Boss week is basically bosses from all time ages (example Zombot Dark Dragon, Jurassic Marsh - Day 16, etc.) which means since it would to easy if it is the same thing like the Modern Day's, they can now be random and have random plants. Here is day 1 to day 3.


Note: This is for the 3.6.1 version.
The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Bug Zombie2.png None
2 Adventurer Zombie2.png Buckethead Adventurer Zombie2.png None Conveyor-belt modded: Fume-shroom2.png is available.
3 Adventurer Zombie2.png Excavator Zombie2.png Parasol Zombie2.png Parasol Zombie2.png None Always gives Plant Food.
4 Adventurer Zombie2.png Flag Adventurer Zombie2.png Excavator Zombie2.png1 Excavator Zombie2.png3 Excavator Zombie2.png5 None First flag; may give Plant Food.
5 Adventurer Zombie2.png Bug Conehead Zombie2.png Bug Conehead Zombie2.png Bug Conehead Zombie2.png None Conveyor-belt modded: Endurians are available.
6 Excavator Zombie2.png Parasol Zombie2.png Parasol Zombie2.png None May give Plant Food.
7 Buckethead Adventurer Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png  Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Parachute Rain!
8 Adventurer Zombie2.png Flag Adventurer Zombie2.png Bug Conehead Zombie2.png Bug Conehead Zombie2.png None Second flag
9 Adventurer Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Parachute Rain!
10 Parasol Zombie2.png Parasol Zombie2.png Lost City Imp Zombie2.png1 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png1 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png2 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png2 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png3 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png3 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png4 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png4 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png5 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png5  None Conveyor-belt modded: Celery Stalker2.png and Cherry Bomb2.png are available; may give a Plant Food.
11 Excavator Zombie2.png Porter Gargantuar2.png3 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png Lost City Imp Zombie2.png Lost City Imp Zombie2.png Lost City Imp Zombie2.png Lost City Imp Zombie2.png None May give Plant Food.
12 Flag Adventurer Zombie2.png Excavator Zombie2.png1 Excavator Zombie2.png2 Excavator Zombie2.png3 Excavator Zombie2.png4 Excavator Zombie2.png5 Porter Gargantuar2.png1 Porter Gargantuar2.png2 Porter Gargantuar2.png3 Porter Gargantuar2.png4 Porter Gargantuar2.png5  None Final wave


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Pompadour Conehead2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png None
2 Pompadour Zombie2.png Pompadour Zombie2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png None 57% chance to carry Plant Food
3 Bikini Conehead2.png Surfer Zombie2.png3 None
4 Pompadour Buckethead2.png2 Pompadour Buckethead2.png4 Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png None 100% chance to carry Plant Food
5 Snorkel Zombie2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png None Water reaches 3rd column
6 Surfer Zombie2.png2 Surfer Zombie2.png4 None
7 Bikini Conehead2.png Bikini Buckethead2.png3 Pompadour Buckethead2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Water reaches 5th column, Low Tide!
8 Pompadour Conehead2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png None 86% chance to carry Plant Food, Water reaches 4th column
9 Pompadour Conehead2.png2 Pompadour Conehead2.png4 Pompadour Buckethead2.png1 Pompadour Buckethead2.png3 Pompadour Buckethead2.png5 Bikini Conehead2.png Beach Flag Zombie2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png1 Snorkel Zombie2.png2 Snorkel Zombie2.png3 Snorkel Zombie2.png4 Snorkel Zombie2.png5 Surfer Zombie2.png Surfer Zombie2.png None First flag
10 Pompadour Conehead2.png Surfer Zombie2.png1 Surfer Zombie2.png3 Surfer Zombie2.png5 Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png3 Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png4 None 100% chance to carry Plant Food
11 Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png3 None
12 Bikini Buckethead2.png Bikini Buckethead2.png Bikini Buckethead2.png Surfer Zombie2.png2 Surfer Zombie2.png4 None
13 Pompadour Buckethead2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png1 Snorkel Zombie2.png3 Snorkel Zombie2.png5 None 71% chance to carry Plant Food
14 Pompadour Buckethead2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Water reaches 5th column, Low Tide!
15 Pompadour Conehead2.png Pompadour Conehead2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png None Water reaches 4th column
16 Snorkel Zombie2.png2 Snorkel Zombie2.png2 Snorkel Zombie2.png2 Snorkel Zombie2.png4 Snorkel Zombie2.png4 Snorkel Zombie2.png4 Surfer Zombie2.png1 Surfer Zombie2.png3 Surfer Zombie2.png5 None Water reaches 3rd column
17 Pompadour Zombie2.png2 Pompadour Zombie2.png4 Bikini Buckethead2.png1 Bikini Buckethead2.png3 Bikini Buckethead2.png5 Surfer Zombie2.png2 Surfer Zombie2.png4 Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png None 100% chance to carry Plant Food
18 Surfer Zombie2.png2 Surfer Zombie2.png5 Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png2 Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png5 None Final flag