User talk:Batty1776

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FireworksTM Director - What is a work burned in fire?

Not a Walkie Talkie but still worth it - A stone far one mile away - Blogging results
Hello and welcome to my talk page. You can ask me for everything, including kicking and banning suspicious users at chat since I am currently a chat mod too. Happy talking! XD

~ Batty1776 ~ Kicking land - Milestones - ayy lmao 10:11, August 13, 2017 (UTC)


Fancyplanty – You don't need that 6 brains, right?
Yea, I am. Balinese 2 b exact.

Fancyplanty (talk) 06:09, June 29, 2017 (UTC)


ThisUserLikesOreo - I like your sketchers.

Talk PageContributions - Blogs
I've never heard of this antivandal filter. Could you show me a screenshot?

 ThisUserLikesOreo   Message Wall  Blog  Contribs   13:56 UTC, 7/7/2017 

13:56, July 7, 2017 (UTC)

I just said I own your mailbox. I also own your trigonal sign. Your blue balloon. The month of June. I can go on.Plasmapea010 (talk) 15:13, July 7, 2017 (UTC)


ThisUserLikesOreo - I like your sketchers.

Talk PageContributions - Blogs
What's the text before that? I honestly have no idea what that is, but it says that it's temporary, so maybe it'll expire soon.

 ThisUserLikesOreo   Message Wall  Blog  Contribs   15:52 UTC, 7/7/2017 

15:52, July 7, 2017 (UTC)

Re: I want usertags.

LegendofNickson Your EXTRA-ordinary "Beta-carotene" named Christina
Done. Already added the usertags you wished to be displayed in your profile tab.

But I'm not pretty sure whether if those usertags were truly displayed in your profile table, as I already checked my edits before I posted it (aka your requestion in my talk page).

And if the usertags aren't displayed yet in your profile table, message me once again. I might identity the problem again.

Shooting "Sleeping" Starfruit (talk) 15:32, July 17, 2017 (UTC)


ThisUserLikesOreo - I like your sketchers.

Talk PageContributions - Blogs
I did it, but I doubt that it will work, as I'm not the best at .css stuff. The gradient is a problem for me. Could you come to chat to see how it looks?

 ThisUserLikesOreo   Message Wall  Blog  Contribs   18:40 UTC, 7/21/2017 

18:40, July 21, 2017 (UTC)

Re: Redirect PvZH pages to correct ones

LegendofNickson Your EXTRA-ordinary "Beta-carotene" named Christina
I'm sorry, but I once tried to fix the link problem before, and it didn't direct to the supposed page, but instead to the original version of that card in the deck builder template.

Furthermore, I'm not a good coder as well, so that might be another major problem for me. Therefore, I can't help you of updating the deck builder template.

Christina the Beta-Carrotina 14:21, July 25, 2017 (UTC)

(Sorry, the URL wouldn't work with my word bubble) I hate to admit it, but it isn't too bad, if you come at the right time. If Mental's on, he could go profane, and NSFW on you. Basically, it's this, but on the internet:here. Don't click unless you are fine with a bad word. --User:TheO0032 (talk)


The Ninja5 Empire – I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grave...
I cannot help there but I can suggest going to Special:Contact/general for help there. ;) Ninja5 Empire (Talk) 08:59, August 10, 2017 (UTC)

GalacticFNAFRunner – GalacticGaming for the win!
Congrats on becoming a Chat Moderator. GalacticFNAFRunner (talk) 17:18, August 13, 2017 (UTC)GalacticFNAFRunner

Hey man, I just wanted to let you know that I always like to hear creative ideas, including your balance changes post. I know criticisms from the other users can be harsh, but I hope it doesn't get you too down. One of the best things for a creative mind is to discuss things with others. I hope to see more from you soon, and welcome to the wiki.Tecku (talk) 23:27, August 13, 2017 (UTC)

So, man. I though I might follow up with you. Since you're interested in balance in PvZ Heroes, I thought I would give you a crash course in balance. To do that, I'd like to expand your mind on the game's meta, and how each card flows in the game.

For starters, I'd like to ask you a question: why do you think Plucky Clover and Banana Split was added to the game? Keep in mind, these cards were added prior to the Galactic Gardens update. Think about why these two cards in particular were made, and let me know what you come up with.

P.S.- when you did the Galactic Gardens balance thing, was the tribe change about Bananas and Berries (like adding "Fruit" and removing "Berry" from Sergeant Strongberry) a botany thing? I'm not acussing you or saying any opinion is wrong, I just want to understand you a bit more. Tecku (talk) 00:24, August 18, 2017 (UTC)

Actually, there IS a connection. The main reason that these two plants were aded to the game is because of Electric Boogaloo, Solar Flare, and their board wiping decks. Back in the day, players had an abundance of teammate-eliminating options to keep the board clear of major threats. Cards like Squash, Lawnmower, Whack-A-Zombie, Berry Blast, Locust Swarm, B-Flat, Bungee Plumber, and The Chickening gave players different option to remove fighters. Unfortunately, since there were so many of them, players could make use of them to just pick of any fighter that ever entered play, while stalling for time until Cornucopia or Gargantuar's Feast landed. Zombies could counter this by using Gravestones, but plants had few options.

Adding Banana Split and Plucky Clover helped contain this by giving options to counter these specific decks. Even if players took out the Split or Clover via outright destruction, they would still have to deal with the Half Bananas or conjured Event card. There were also SOME small options to keep gameplay fair. For Banana Split to spawn two Half Bananas, it would need to be on the left or middle ground lanes, with available space next door. Clover was also a risky card, as the conjuring was random. The main point of these two cards was to counter control decks that kept the board relatively empty. This is also why Cosmic cards came into play during the Galactic Gardens update.

Little details like this make a big difference when balancing the cards that get played. I hope this has helped you a little.Tecku (talk) 16:12, August 18, 2017 (UTC)

==My wordbubbles=={{Wordbubble|image = Grass_KnucklesH.png|color = Green|name = Grass Champ-Scubb|textcolor = Orange|fonttype = Cordia New|sig = Packin' a punch to zombies|color2 = Yellow|line = Light Brown|textcolor2 = Light Blue|text = Uhh,hi... I need some help about coding my fav. plants and zombies in PvZ GW2. How should I do? I make a mess about this.Scubb (talk) 13:32, September 23, 2017 (UTC)



ThisUserLikesOreo - I like your sketchers.

Talk PageContributions - Blogs
Since you have been inactive for over a month, your chat mod rights have been removed. Please meet the requirements if you want to regain them.

 ThisUserLikesOreo   Message Wall  Blog  Contribs   14:50 UTC, 11/8/2017 

14:50, November 8, 2017 (UTC)