Board Thread:Biweekly discussions/@comment-33872406-20190223010342/@comment-26822753-20190224153645

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i'm getting nostalgia waves from just looking at this

Been playing the game since (I think) release (100% before Far Future's teaser was even out). Been seeing it progress and tracking it with interest. I loved most updates until Neon Mixtape Tour. There the game really began declining to me. The premiums slowly began invading, the worlds were overall worse off than the previous ones (you have things like Far Future and Dark Ages then Jurassic Marsh and NMT), but it was still an excellent game.

They had to continue updating it after Modern Day. How'd they do that? Overpowered premiums, Battlez, and everything that makes the game worse. If they had left it as is after MD2, we'd have had a great, finished sequel to PvZ1, not in its best state but still a good game nonetheless. But noooo, they had to go and add overpowered premiums and remove all the good things (DMG and UB music why are you gone ;-;) all for this weird Battlez thing... seriously. Games have to stop receiving updates at one point. By MD2 this game looked finished because it basically was, and in the case of this game that would have been a great time to stop updating and prevent it from becoming the mess it is today.

Fs in chat for PvZ2, the ruined great game.