Board Thread:Fun & Games/@comment-24491127-20140907022130/@comment-25393113-20141114005757

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But... You... Don't.... Know.... What's.... n..e..x....t.....

Suddenly, when you aren't looking, I transform into Omega Mode!!

This mode allows me to become twice my normal size and slowly regen health until full.


1: Omega Fusion Blast: Infinity is manipulated twice over, and I fire a huge beam that cannot be stopped, dealing a whopping 500 damage.

2: Omega Infinity Chomp: Mega Chomp is infused with Omega Energy, allowing it to attain the power of Spine Crunch!

3: Omega Memory Deletion: Allows me to forget a certain thing instantly, and take slightly less damage from certain status conditions.

Last Ditch Attack: Epsilon Gravity Warp: Upon complete HP depletion, I create a small black hole on death.