Board Thread:Fun and games/@comment-25301846-20150711202106/@comment-5072263-20160331191727

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I have an idea :

I sit on a bench next to the museum, nothing suspicious. Then, I freeze myself in a tube under the bench, so I'm undetectable, and wait.

10, 100, 1 000, 100 000, 10 000 000, 1 000 000 000 years passes.

About one billion years later, the tube emerges and I get out of it. By that time, everything will be derelict and abandonned. I simply walk into the now-destroyed museum, and snatch the crystal, since everything protecting it fell apart millions of years ago!

Yay! I got the crystal! But what do I do with it? Everyone is dead. It's worthless now, since there isn't anyone to value it.
