Board Thread:Fun and games/@comment-25337988-20200910014543/@comment-38578289-20200911193105

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Critica77y wrote: This will not do. The REAL continuation here:

I’m awfully sorry, but only administrators can create thread sequels. I am an exception due to having a rollback.js.

Anyways, here is what happened in your impersonation thread that I will copy onto here:

Booster: I'll make my move first!

I command the Gigantamax Lapras to use G-Max Resonance on Yoshihiro Kira. G-Max Resonance will deal damage and summon an Aurora Veil which will reduce half the damage of any attacks.

I put up Protect on myself and Outrage Stray Cat.


Finally, Lightning Fast on Mega Flower and Dragonite will attack the Wargs by using Hurricane.

Pepperoni: Here goes...

I cast PK Starstorm.

I use Meteor Strike on the Mega Flower.

I set myself to Defend.

I set myself to counter.

Move ended.

MCPGE: i curbstomp yoshi

Yoshi: I attempt to cause a ginormus Water Pillar to errupt from underneath Nuttin's summoning circle and the candles.

I then give the order to the Champion Imp to go to the enemy lines and use Impkata (the right ability, you know, the spinny one with all the bullets.) then run back if possible.

Then I use Defensive Formation on 123Pepperoni just because.

[1] Defensive Formation Target receives 50% less damage and all other allies receive 40% less damage. Lasts 1 turn. (

turn over.

Critica: Sheer Heart Attack blows a hole in the cement mixer, but when the concrete flows out, it is still trapped inside.

The Mega Flower heals Booster for 25 health.

Yoshi: 1. I try to cast Elemental Fury β!!! A large flurry of magic blasts that go in many directions, with random elemental effects from each blast. I came up with it myself. And theres a lot of elements so who knows whatl happen.

2. I pull out a Holy Cross and shout: THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU!!!!! at the Demon and I throw the Holy Cross at the Summoning Circle and the Candles

3. Finally, I cast Subversion on the ENTIRE Battle Field!!!!! It is supposed to go for 2 turns in its game of origin.

Look at this cause it says what it does.


Everyone, plan your next moves CAREFULLY! Critica please make sure you read the page the link goes to cause it is very big effect on the way things happen, even for just the 2 turns.

I feel, o d d. . . . .

Dart: I grab Yoshi by the tail and spin-throw him/her away like in Super Mario 64.

I team up with Booster to do the Splash Bros. Attack from Mario and Luigi: Super Star Saga.

I use a Life Mushroom to try and give myself Overhealth.

I start building up speed for 12 hours so I can Backwards Long Jump against the Lich Zombie.

Booster: Then what about this? Gigantamax Lapras will use G-Max Resonance on Champion Imp.

Let's do this, Dart! I teamed up with DartMonkey and unleash the Splash Bros.

I consume a Max Potion to heal myself. I give MCPGE some bandages to let him heal.

After executing the attack, I use Protect to shield DartMonkey from incoming attacks. Dragonite will help defending too.

MCPGE: i heal