Board Thread:Fun and games/@comment-46456143-20200910051247

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Back in the day, there was a thread called Raid Boss!, where the goal was to kill a very powerful entity with a large amount of health. In this game there are two raid bosses, each with a team to back it up. There are two teams, Red Team and Blue Team. Each team must destroy the other team's raid boss to win the round.

The rules are:

You have to sign up to one team before you start playing.

You can't switch teams unless the number of players on each team is the same or your team has more players. I can make you switch teams for balancing purposes.

Attacks do not have to be PvZ themed. You can use any attack you can think of as long as it isn’t too obviously overpowered. Most attacks will hit, but not all.

One move can be made per turn (between two posts from me) or per day. A move can include multiple actions (attacks, summons, commanding minions, healing, etc.) but the more actions taken, the more likely some or all will fail.

You can summon minions for your team, which anyone on your team (including your raid boss) can control. You cannot summon an indestructible minion.

When one raid boss dies, another more powerful raid boss takes its place, and the opposing raid boss disappears and is also replaced. Only the raid boss that dies will drop loot.

Raid boss loot drops can't be made, duplicated, stolen, or destroyed without my say-so.

Players do not die, they are only KO'ed temporarily. If you are KO’ed, you cannot dispute it.

The raid bosses will not interfere with each other directly. That’s your job.

Have fun!

Red Team:

Boss: Mega Flower: 1960/2950.

Players (6):

Booster25: 95/100. Frozen.

DartMonkey25SmashBros: 75/100.

Master Chief Peter Griffin Epic: 95/100.

SiverEscaper: 100/100.

Ohsnappies: 100/100.


Green Shadow: 130/200.

Monkey Sniper: 85/100.

Jolteon: 105/120. Ice Monkey: 100/100. Jevil: 260/350.

Blue Team:

Boss: Lich Zombie: 2004/3000. Charged with the Lightning element.

Players (5):

123Pepperoni: 85/100. 

BrandonPvz: KOed, 1 turns remaining. First attack upon recovery will do 3x damage.

RomanPlayer22: 85/100. 

Yoshi is the best: 33/100.

OverUser: 100/100.


Trickster: 45/90

Meowstic: 10/120.

Ayano Ashi: 100/125.

Gargantuar: 162/180.

Clefable: 90/120.

Glue Gunner: 110/110.



Pandora's Box (3 available) What's in the BOOOXXX! Provides a random buff or debuff upon the opener when activated. Anything can be inside. Feeling Lucky?

Red Team:

Dead Man's Answer (wielded by DartMonkey2SmashBros) Killer Queen!: Adds explosive damage to all of your attacks. Attacks will do extra explosion damage, and have a random chance to do splash damage to enemies other than the one targeted. However, the user is not immune to their own explosion damage and can be damaged by explosions attatched to close-range attacks.<ac_metadata title="Raid Boss Battle! Part 2" related_topics="Boss Battle"> </ac_metadata>