Board Thread:Fun and games/@comment-46456143-20200910051247/@comment-46456143-20200913173807

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DartMonkey: You heal yourself and Booster back to full, and the Mega Flower for 10 health. Sunflower summoned; it does 30 damage to Pepperoni. The sticky Healy is stuck to Yoshi.

MCPGE: Summon successful. But he heals Pepperoni back to full.

Nuttin’: You heal MCPGE back to full, heal the Monkey Engineer for 10 health, heal the Dragonite for 30, heal Waluigi for 10, but the healer zombie heals himself to death before he can damage anything else.

Yoshi: You stick to the Mega Flower, and the Healy heals you both for -100 health. You are KOed for 3 turns.

Roman: Laser turret summoned. DartMonkey is at full health so flamethrower does nothing. You heal Gigantimax Lapras for 20 health. Tank summoned.

Pepperoni: 10 damage to the Mega Flower.

MCPGE: You fail because of vagueness.

Subversion is no longer active!

The Lich Zombie casts an ice spell on the remaining candles, sending the demon straight back to Hell.