Board Thread:Fun and games/@comment-46456143-20200910051247/@comment-46456143-20200915050631

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Yoshi: It happens. Fireballs can set people on fire, or just explode. These just exploded.

DartMonkey: The Lich Zombie takes 15 damage from the fire orb. The Engineer does 10 damage to Mr. Beast (and can I just say, ow?). The shockwave fails because that's not how physics works (which I adhere to exactly some of the time) and you take 20 damage from the fall. Fire Peashooter summoned, and you do a full 90 damage to Garg.

Booster: I forgot about that. No, you may not.

Brandon: The rain stops. Fire mech summoned, but it has a very hard time hitting such a small target. Nice mythology gag, but Kira won't die to ghost hands this time. Instead, he throws Sheer Heart Attack at them, which blows most of them up. One ghost hand takes Sheer Heart Attack to Hell with it, doing a bit of damage to Kira as well.