Board Thread:Fun and games/@comment-46456143-20200910051247/@comment-46456143-20200919032635

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Booster: It happens.

OverUser: Added to Blue Team!

DartMonkey: Nope, you can't revive anyone. Stray Cat defends itself. You manage to take out Kira, but take 55 damage and lose Waluigi and both flowers doing so. You win an artifact as a prize!

Dead Man's Answer: Adds explosive damage to all of your attacks. Attacks will do extra explosion damage, and have a random chance to do splash damage to enemies other than the one targeted. However, the user is not immune to their own explosion damage and can be damaged by explosions attatched to close-range attacks.

This will make the player imbalance easier to deal with!

With Kira dead, Stray Cat flees the battlefield, as it no longer has any reason to be there.

Yoshi: Yes, you are.