Board Thread:Fun and games/@comment-5891510-20150607173818/@comment-26367379-20150611141231

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デルタ影 wrote:

Itsleo20 wrote:

デルタ影 wrote:

1Zulu wrote: So many of these ignore very basic science and just end up sounding retarded.

I know right? The very retarded and illogical ones aren't even that funny.

The illogicallness is what makes it funny. 

If you don't understand, I suggest you leave.

Yeah I do, duh.

Yeah, they do, Itsleo20. Don't underestimate them and suggesting them to leave right away. Plus, "illogicallness" should be "illogicalness" with one "l" before "-ness". They were just saying how retarded they can sound.