Board Thread:General Discussion/@comment-11447684-20140528091148/@comment-11447684-20140628142422

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DragonFruit21 wrote:
Ladder? I check what is up at the top

You cleverly rider up the bumps and observe a spider.

Obvious things happen after that.

A bat...

...gets murdered.

You walk away with a smile on your face. :)

MEANWHILE... the secret hideout of shopkeepers.

Akmed: A spelunker? Wut?

Darwin: Yes, a son of a biscuit murdered our friend, Jimbo.

Akhmed: How d'ya know?

Darwin: Well, Lazlo was running a brothel one floor up. He heard some explosions and gun-shots. When he went down, he found Lazlo's bloody corpse. :'(  I don't know who he is, but I WILL find him and I WILL kill him.

Lou: You can't. Because I'll kill him first. *readies shotgun*

Darwin: He must have went deeper. Spelunkers like these just know about money. They don't care whether they kill a snake or kill a human for his gun. It's all same for them

Lou: Let's not waste time. And hunt for him. Gonna get him in no time. >:(

Akhmed: Yeah... :(