Board Thread:General Discussion/@comment-25203387-20141102192028

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One day I grabbed my Xbox controller and turned on my xbox, I was looking in my game libary and found the game PvZ:Garden Warfare. It sounded fun so I started it. After loading for a while I searched for a Gardens and graveyards lobby, it took more than I thought, like 5 minutes. After connecting strange things were happening. ,the screen turned red for some seconds and showed the Character selecting menu, but it was different, instead of all the characters I had it only showed these ones: 666 shooter, Horror chomp, Nightmare flower and no cactus for some reason. I choosed the 666 shooter and the map was Filled with blood, creepy notes and the music played Backwards, the scoreboard was messed up, it showed only "Play Dead, or else..." I didn't know what that meaned so I just played. There were no players on the other team, except someone named "I'm dead 099". I was shocked and tryed to leave the game, but it didn't let me leave. It showed always a error message saying "I'm not done with you yet..."

TO BE CONTINUED... <ac_metadata title="The Haunted Lobby, a creepypasta" lastmove="1463900085"> </ac_metadata>