Board Thread:General Discussion/@comment-5565348-20131016002708/@comment-8326990-20131021200000

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Blaze06h wrote:
RepeaterwithTorchwood wrote:

There was no EA, so Electronic Ironhides was still pursuing BlazerStudios. RT and Lazybones (the sloth) respawn in Repsloker and Kernel Fodder gets spit out and they all convert all life and buildings (except thiers) to Blazeriki. 

P.S: Majority Rules, Sir Blaze. PM and meh say that they lived HEA, you don't. So THEY DO!


Like RT, LB and KF respawned, so did our hero Blaze... Blaze06h on Kepler06h, a calm planet with a space shuttle with full fuel so he can travel galaxies and also relax on Kepler06h's beach. In the meantime, the people of Repsloker are still alive and angry at RT, KF and the sloth, the rest of the story goes as "BOOM! BAM! KAAABOOOM! Oww! We lost!" for them. And if you were there during that time, you could see them flying in the sky as comets. Back to Blaze, he lived HEA in his new planet Kepler06h!

There is no people in Repsloker. I said all life was converted to Blazeriki. HAHAHA! Anyway, EI shot a laser at Blazer Studios. Then RT (Disquised as nothing) crept in and rapidly teleport Blaze into the universe, where the smores were destroyed by Blaze. His wife got teleported, too. But they were in a NT planet (NO TELEPORTING). They became King and Queen, but could not teleport. Meanwhile, LB, RT and KF lived HEA. WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!