Board Thread:Internal management/@comment-27744487-20170708114240/@comment-25388055-20170709235853

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Camwood777 wrote:

ShroomstagramUser wrote:

Camwood777 wrote:

ShroomstagramUser wrote: Cam, just some general advice. Maybe if you own up to mistakes, listened to people, and STOP abusing the victim card, maybe certain people you've mentioned won't look down upon you. Just sayin.

I tried all of those things a dozen times, boy. More times than you can probably bother yourself to repeat that "advice" to me. And guess what? NONE OF IT'S WORKED. And trust me. I'm listening, and I'm owning up to my mistakes alright. But NOBODY ELSE IS. I'm just the bad guy, and they won't listen to me. And if nobody else is, well, I see zero point in even bothering.

I give up! You're so pessimistic, users like myself who want to help you end up in a corner with no way out! It's extremely frustrating to us who want to help you, and even Marcia questions your legitimacy.

If the help I got was any good, I might actually take it, but when I keep hearing the same advice for a year, with NONE of it helping, maybe I'll be inclined to start ignoring it, since if I've heard it before, and it didn't work, it probably won't be working now. Just a hunch.

Besides, even if I got the "help", I'd still be in this situation anyways. If all I'm going to be is the bad guy, even if I follow your "help", I see no reason to bother trying to follow it when it'll be just as good as if I didn't.

Maybe if you weren't going drama around you could have gotten help?