Board Thread:Internal management/@comment-27744487-20170708114240/@comment-25571235-20170709160009

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52d4657299d56cd4060001af Icon---Thumbs-Up.png52d4657299d56cd4060001af Icon---Thumbs-Up.pngAbsolute Support
Discord did nothing wrong, it was... you! It's the people who cause drama. The same people on the wiki are over there. Why blame a chat platform when it's the people? The Wiki chat has a lot less features, and discord is a good alternative. Multiple other wikis have also done this.

However, they have a way of doing so:

  • A channel to verify new members before they can start chatting.
  • Organised channels unlike the wiki discord
  • Same rules from the wiki
  • Same staff from the wiki, if not the same, wiki staff members opt to be staff on the discord and discord can have separate staff as well.
  • Same staff roles from the wiki, additional roles for owner, etc. are omitted.
  • Non-messy role list, without any personal roles like nationality or colour.
  • cough One owner cough It's a website, not a nation.