Board Thread:Internal management/@comment-7091122-20160914034136/@comment-25812019-20160915181604

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52d4657299d56cd4060001af Icon---Thumbs-Up.png52d4657299d56cd4060001af Icon---Thumbs-Up.pngAbsolute Support
Discord is killing chat. You can't deny that. After discord popping up, chat has went to a significant decrease in users, there's no "chat was always dead" or "it's just few people", if you've been on chat for quite a while, you can really notice it. It so few people moved from wiki to discord, discord would eventually die and there wouldn't be a point on making 2 threads about closing it. We made this thread because discord is separating the users and making it harder to have an unique conversation.

"But it has more features" More features? Sure, you do have more features, but what about USEFUL features? Why would you ever want, for example, a voice chat? On most FPS games, voice chats are key elements in communication, because it's easier to communicate in the heat of battle, but in a chat room? What's the problem with writing down what you say? You're supposed to do that, unless someone doesn't know how to read or someone is just purely lazy, it's an useless feature, that also goes for other things. If you had to choose between a power saving toaster and, let's say, a toaster that can do a backflip, what would you choose?

Regarding lag, i think unless you are running it on a glass of water, there are minor or no problems. I have chat open all day and it doesn't bother me at all, so i don't think it should count as an improvement.

It alsos cripples the powers of our chat mods. Let's say if, hypotetically, discord and wiki chat had 50% users each. and let's also say there's a chat mod in each one. That means that each chat mod only got to supervisionate 50% of the chat and thus they have 50% of the efficiency they wold otherwise have. Even if they had both chat windows open, they can only look at one screen at a time. What are we gonna do? hire more chat mods? Remember that quality is over quantity

And for those that think that discord should be a back up: Why? If something horrible enough happens on the wiki chat that even the entire wiki can't handle it, how and why would discord handle it? Don't we have active and competent mods? A back up is made for something not to be lost, and this thread was made mostly because we are losing wiki chat, isn't that a little ironic?

I also noticed that some people that stand and switch around between the 2 chats, but when asked which is better, they say "X chat is better" . Come on guys, stick to a chat, i don't go for a trait and change sides whenever i want