Board Thread:Internal management/@comment-7494279-20150930210726/@comment-27158276-20151001011258

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Crazy dave222 wrote:
Lily8763cp wrote:

Crazy dave222 wrote:

Lily8763cp wrote:

Crazy dave222 wrote: I see no colors.....

You have to turn colors on and you can decide if everything or just plants and zombies.
I don't get it.....  And how do I make the MediaWiki work on my wiki, if I can?
Do what the main post of this (aka first comment) says.
Yea.  I read that.  But I have no clue what that means.  I am really talking about making it work on my wiki here rather than this wiki, and of course the link goes here.... Are they one and the same?

Oh, waitaminute....  This isn't for what I thought it was....  I can't edit MediaWiki pages on my wiki.