Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies/@comment-24745670-20200121112349/@comment-24745670-20200208141231

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Swaggy Shooter wrote: How skill yrees would be like

Maybe somewhat based on DQ11? idk honestly, it's one of the only games i've played that has skill trees, so I'll just make up my own.

Seed packets would be reworked to be the amount of points you can spend on upgrading your plant, rather than being experience points. I suggest playing a bit of if you want to see what I mean. Both games reward you with skill points by leveling up so PvZ2 could do the same. Levels should be capped, and I have a reason for that.

Each plant has a skill line correlating to each of its functions and properties. All plants would have a general skill line that simply upgrades stats like cooldown and sun cost. All plants also have exclusive skill lines, like Peashooter having a skill line all about upgrading its projectile.

Skills are normally connected to each other, but you will be able to attain each skill independently, although at the cost of more skill points. With the level cap, this will also create the incentive for players to strategize even more which is a key part in PvZ gameplay. Players will have to choose their skills very wisely, and won't mindlessly spam their overleveled plants, an effect created by PvZ2's really poor upgrade system.