Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 1 & 2/@comment-24100352-20151209025206/@comment-24628680-20160316232021

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Nice! I had my own ice-themed Deadbeard variant, but mine was a viking-themed character named Captain Norsehook. He had one of those cool horned helmets and a barbarian-style bearskin cape. His gun has a cool dragon on top of it like a viking ship too!

I also have a Halloween-themed Kernel Corn variant called Commandy Corn. He wears a military commander hat, has shoulder pads made of brown paper bags with licorice tassles, and has organics made of candy wrappers. He was more of a speedy variant who trades out firepower for movement speed, and his speed is similar to the Hot Rod Chomper's normal movement.

My last variant idea was a Legendary All-Star variant, the Pinball Star. He dresses in a white T-shirt and green pants with darker green vertical stripes. He wears a nametag that says "Jeremy" or some other dorky name, and his clothes are splattered with pizza sauce and stray pepperoni like he works at a Chuck E Cheese-style place. His gun is basically a weaponized pinball machine, complete with little winding paths, bumpers, and blinking lights. His gun deals electrical damage with his electrified pinballs, and scoring enough Vanquishes allows him to enter "High Score Mode", which makes him move faster and deal more damage.