Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 1 & 2/@comment-24403615-20160120004515/@comment-24628680-20160321164201

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Plant Class: Imitater

Primary Weapon:

Potato Gun: A weak, medium-ranged weapon. Imitater is not designed for direct combat.


1A. Potato Glare: Opens several potato eyes on its body, startling nearby zombies and stunning them momentarily. Mostly useful for escaping confrontations that Imitater has no hope of winning.

1B. Dirty Glare: Opens several angry-looking potato eyes on its body, startling nearby zombies and stunning them momentarily. The stun duration is 2 seconds shorter than that of Potato Glare, but the initial flash deals 20 damage to nearby zombies.

2A. Imitate: Transforms into whatever enemy player the crosshairs are currently placed over. Best used from a long distance to minimize exposure. To friendly players, the Imitater wears a paper plate mask with the imitated class's face drawn badly on it with crayons.

2B. Fauxtato: Transforms into whatever enemy player the crosshairs are currently placed over. Once activated, Imitater's health will be reduced to 50. If killed, Imitater will drop a fake body (like the TF2 Spy's Dead Ringer).

3A. Switchgrass: Deploys a patch of bluish-purple switchgrass, which causes AI zombies who step on it to turn around and walk in the opposite direction and zombie players to have their movement controls reversed.

3B. Hayzy: Deploys a patch of wheat-like Hayzy (hay + hazy), which causes AI zombies who step on it to turn around and walk in the opposite direction and zombie players to have their camera controls reversed, making it difficult to orient themselves. However, the Hayzy grows taller over time, becoming more and more obvious.