Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 1 & 2/@comment-24628680-20160116182143

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Right now, I'm currently working on a list of nerfs/buffs/changes that I think should be made from the beta to the final game. Does anyone want to contribute any? Here's what I have. I'm being very general with this stuff, so I'm not going so far into detail in terms of damage amounts and stuff. My ideas focus mostly on the new classes since they're who I played as the most.


  • Increase primary weapon damage for Kernel Corn
  • Make it harder to disrupt Husk Hop (i.e. making it launch in a different direction or launching you straight up into the air)
  • Decrease the hitbox on Cannon Rodeo ammunition (many times I've used it, it looked like I can fire where I want, but the cannonball's hitbox makes it explode on something right in front of me, like a sign or edge of a wall)


  • Limit the number of Z-Mechs that can be on the field at one time
  • Reduce primary weapon damage for the Imp
  • Reduce Heroic Beam range for Super Brainz
  • Reduce primary weapon damage for Scuba Soldier


  • Give Kernel Corn an overheating weapon like All-Star (or just increase his clip size)
  • Add more particle effects to Scurvy Scattershot (it's difficult to tell what the range is)<ac_metadata title="List of Patch Notes???"> </ac_metadata>