Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-24535288-20150601181256/@comment-26402721-20150601182726

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Let's just discuss away.

For new zombies, i would expect some jaguar rider zombie. Jaguar zombie has dense toughness and speedy speed (its speed is similar to that of a dodo rider zombie) and it carries a spearman zombie, who carries spears (or possibly atlatls) on the jaguar. His main job is to throw them at plants to destroy them (could be in different lanes). There is also totem dropper zombie, who was the first special zombie found in the code.

For plants, we still have a bunch of unused ones, including Kiwi Beast. Toadstool will definitely be in the update, guaranteed. i would also like okra, which could damage zombies in an area and make zombie-slowing puddles, a fig plant, leek, spin-ach, poison ivy or vine (ensnares the nearest zombie, doing damage to them and making them helpless and vulnerable to attacks; works great against Gargantuars), mango, papaya, etc.