Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-24843074-20170407180833/@comment-25093069-20170414180239

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Whenever an upgrade mechanic or level mechanic is added in a freemium game, ofc it will be a cash grab. That's how they expect to get money. It's not something unheard of.

And even before this, I doubt Heroes was more strategic than PvZ2. If you had premium cards, you would win no matter what (except for in the hands of inept players). The choosing thing was only more in-depth in Heroes as it had lots of cards which PvZ 2 didn't even had a fraction of plants to be honest.

Yes I see what you mean, the rare, super rare, legendary and event cards are more powerful than the common ones and you obtain them randomly (the event cards with tickets or gems). But at least as you build more powerful decks the main levels progressively get harder as well. Also I always build 2 types of decks, one with just the commons and one with the premiums.

But the main thing I liked about pvzH that it was turn based, you could play as a plant or a zombie and play against other players, the deck of cards aspect is also really nice. I think that adds an element of strategy that wasn't in pvz 2, it's like a real life cards game. But now obviously with the levelling up system those cards are not going to stay the same which is really disappointing for me. If I choose not to level up, there will be other players that do so playing against them will be impossible. Also since there are both plant and zombie cards, both sides will level up, I wonder if that will end up balancing things out? PvzH is a very different game from pvz 2 so how the levelling up system will work is very interesting now that I think about it. We will find out I guess. (Sorry about the off-topicness of this post)