Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-25089892-20150528231437/@comment-26440910-20150529195458

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SquashCake wrote: Is it just me, or does Toadstool chew slower then chomper? Would make sense. Also its plant food is worse then chomper so I like them equily. 

I posted a comment about that not long ago, it even has a video for proof :p

Galactron wrote: I tried to compare the chewing speed of both Toadstool and Chomper, and they are basically the same :/, except chomper is 50 sun cheaper and toadstool produces 50 sun at the end. It makes no sense these 2 being both money-premium, Toadstool will probably be gemium :s?

Just compare the Toadstool at the top of the screen with Chomper at the bottom, Toadstool has better range, quicker grab animation and overall looks better than Chomper

Also, chomper takes a second usually before grabbing a zombie, toadstool is almost instantly (that's why I placed toadstool after chomper, so they could start chewing at the same time)