Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-25089892-20160622064826/@comment-26622708-20160624221048

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Lily8763cp wrote:
TheGollddMAN wrote:
Well truer words have never been said by the guy above me. Aloe really got nerfed man. Not only does it start healing only when the plant gets below 50% health, but doesn;t even heal it back to full health, only by little. This means, once Aloe has done healing a plant (let's say a defensive plant) that's about to die to about 50% health (ignoring the fact that the plant may die from zombies anyway), it will stop healing since it reaches that threshold and Aloe deactivates. So not only does it has a sucky range but also doesn't do its job properly. You know what? Rather than wasting my sun on a garbage like this, I'd rather use Wall-nut First Aid for my share of healing, thank you very much. Man, I was so hyped for this plant and they had to ruin it.
They might buff it again like how they buffed Dandelion. However, sadly, keyword is might.

Dandelion was buffed?