Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-25089892-20160831212144/@comment-25943876-20160904095709

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TheGollddMAN wrote:
Darumo wrote:

Oh yeah how could I forget, we're going to have the leveling thing... something that was never planned in a game that is balanced as it is already (and we have plants like Primal Potato Mine, Primal Wall-nut, Cherry Bomb, Chard Guard, Gold Bloom...). But don't worry about me, I'm not leveling any plant except Thyme Warp and Gold Leaf.

While I agree with most of your stuff, this I cannot agree with. PvZ 2 lost its balance a long time ago when they introduced zombies that mostly insta kills plants, has high health and purposefully are given either high speed so that plants cannot deal with in time OR have slow speeds so that they are blocked by normal zombies as shields and are ALSO very tough to deal with given the gimmicks and mature of the plants (especially those motherf**king Octos). Balance is the last thing this game has and if anything, the leveling system will make plants stronger and on par with the zombies.

Also the leveling system was already a concept from long ago. So this isn't new at all and yes, fact check: it was planned even when it was in alpha.

(Huge pic lol)

I know people like you don't agree with me in that point, but I personally prefer a game that is more difficult than easy. And people that don't like that can use power ups, boosts or go "the explosive way" in every single level. What I mean is, no matter how difficult the game is or how bad you are you always have opportunities to progress. But I really like the trial&error system, I want a game that makes you think. I have fun trying new strategies, except some really unbalanced levels (BWB Day 16, DA Night 13 and luck-based-conveyor-belt levels in general).

However, I don't like stuff like the "Imp-inmediately-triggers-next-wave-thing", that is why I use Gold Bloom and even its Imitater a lot in almost every level (I rarely use regular sun producers). I like using not so OP plants in my strategies, but I need sun in order to do it, so this plant is perfect for me.

I didn't know something like that was in the beta though, thanks for letting me know.