Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-25089892-20160831212144/@comment-25943876-20160904192653

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Rororoxor wrote:
Darumo wrote:
TheGollddMAN wrote:
Darumo wrote:
TheGollddMAN wrote:
Darumo wrote:

Oh yeah how could I forget, we're going to have the leveling thing... something that was never planned in a game that is balanced as it is already (and we have plants like Primal Potato Mine, Primal Wall-nut, Cherry Bomb, Chard Guard, Gold Bloom...). But don't worry about me, I'm not leveling any plant except Thyme Warp and Gold Leaf.

While I agree with most of your stuff, this I cannot agree with. PvZ 2 lost its balance a long time ago when they introduced zombies that mostly insta kills plants, has high health and purposefully are given either high speed so that plants cannot deal with in time OR have slow speeds so that they are blocked by normal zombies as shields and are ALSO very tough to deal with given the gimmicks and mature of the plants (especially those motherf**king Octos). Balance is the last thing this game has and if anything, the leveling system will make plants stronger and on par with the zombies.
Also the leveling system was already a concept from long ago. So this isn't new at all and yes, fact check: it was planned even when it was in alpha.
That's not the beta, it's the alpha version (an even more primitive version than beta). But just to prove my point that level system was a concept so there's no use crying over it now. It's being worked on and it will come eventually.

No offense but what exactly do you mean by "people like you"?

Yeah, I'm so used to it that I wrote beta mistakenly. This is the first time I see that a game has an alpha version though.

By that, I mean people that love using extremely OP plants or make them OP by hacking (I'll never forget your Shrinking Violet with fast recharge that shrinks everything to oblivion in a 5x5 area) no matter how they break the game. But everyone has fun their own way I guess.

XD you remember that? Did you remember that fight Golddman had with IG?

Yeah, I do. That's why I remember that xD