Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-25546049-20150930022951/@comment-27034435-20151003180438

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Mekotheneko wrote:
Master3530 wrote:
If pumpkin would be nerfed, that'd be probably elevated toughness for 75 sun.

Doom-shroom should have very slow speed and cost 250 sun, while crater would last for 30 seconds. The range would be like in pvz1. I'd give $6.99 for that, not for the e-berry.

Umbrella leaf should be introduced in MM as a counter for slingshots and pterodactyls. The way it was in pvz1 was ok, no need to nerf, maybe just mediocre recrge. And it'd also counter garg-thrown imps and octopi!

What other plants did you want guys? Ice-shroom? He should cost 175 sun since iceberg lettuce + plant food.

Any others?

I think re-introducing Umbrella Leaf so it can counter 2 ZOMBIES WHICH YOU MADE UP is very unpracticle unless it is designed for an entire world.

"It'd also counter garg-thrown imps and octopi" It would counter more than those two.