Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-25571438-20150714123227/@comment-26151719-20150715233844

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Chomped zombie 123 wrote:
1) your a tattle tail

2) I watched both of your guys little argument go on and you were just as bad as him.

3) both of those shows are good, gravity falls is mysterious, it reminds me of courage the cowardly dog

4) this is about the 80's, this has nothing to do with the 80's, therefore should not be here.

5) solve the problem yourself

6) sorry for your loss, no offense to these 6 comments, don't want you to go crazy and post a letter of complant about me "bullying" you, for that is not the case. i am just saying to brush it off and keep moving on.

are you talking to me? if so:

1. Is that meant to be rude?

2. no i wasn't i wasn't saying anything about him i was just saying about his favorite show (Because he said that about my favorite show to!)

3.I know both of them are good but he said that gravity falls is bad when i said i love it (AKA meaning that he was bullying me ON PURPOSE!)

4.I know notice how i said "I don't know know where to post this so i will post this here"

i don't know where else will people see it!

6.what do you mean by loss? i havent lost anyone. also ok i wont say that you are bullying me!

if your not talking to me then sorry!