Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-26239911-20180427174404/@comment-25093069-20180501010632

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Citron Bomb Official wrote:

Moonshan2 wrote:

The Determined Mine wrote: Ok so after a few replays, most expansion levels are still doable with level 1 plants and without spring blover. Except for the following: AE-34, PS-27, PS-34, WW-28.

The blover +spring bean combo is a very useful if not the best strategy for battlez+ endless zones+ hard levels and definitely not overpowered.


I explained that there is only a limited number of times you can use this combo. It depends on the number of plant foods available. It can be super helpful to clear the board in tricky situations but only relying on this combo can’t win you the level. You need a good offence too and I use primal peas. So in my opinion it is not overpowered. Its a useful level 1 freemium strategy and it will be unfair if they remove it.