Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-26348973-20160228123956/@comment-27034435-20160302053043

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Xenons wrote:
ThisUserLikesOreo wrote:

Xenons wrote:

Gargantuar333 wrote:
Mr. Boss-inator wrote:
Dalek2653 wrote:
Mr. Boss-inator wrote:
So we WILL have more worlds? Don't blame for being a slowpoke, I found this discussion just now and know nothing XD
Neither do we, pretty much. xD
What about this pic?
They're just keeping peoples hopes (and hype) up for nothing.
Why do I have the feeling that they're gonna ruin Modern Day by making another normal world after it?
I actually feel like the time rift is going to lead to the second section with new worlds.

Also, what would we get at the end of the second section? Modern Day #2?

Modern Backyard, naturally