Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-27053902-20170316035222/@comment-30884390-20170322064737

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Great Zombie.2 wrote:
Coollittlepeashooter wrote:
Great Zombie.2 wrote:
Hi Guys Gees Long Time No See, Got Like 1000 Notification. Anyways Level Additions ( Excuse My Poor Spelling THERE IS NO SPELLCHECK NO!!!) Yay! I Do Wish They Add More Plants With The New Zombies, I'm So Glad That The Chinese Version Does Get Pogo Zombie if They Did There Will Be Riots Anyways Glad to Back Try To Be Frequent?!? (Help!!! Have No Idea How To Spell) Hopefully. Bye For Now. BWHAHAH
What the hell?

Your post made no sense.