Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-27053902-20171126033950/@comment-24024415-20180114213130

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Companies releasing massive updates after a long period of exaustion for the community behind it is a trend for 2017-18 it seems. With TF2 kicking it off and PvZ2/H teasing us for months. I don't speak for everyone, but I'm sick of massive, often broken and game-augmenting changes in light of smaller house-keeping to gradually get to where the devs want the game to go.

Little things like finishing Vasebreaker to other older things that needs or deserve to be altered to accomidate the modern state of the game. Stuff like that to show they recognize at the very least. Sure it may be cool when it does drop, but look at this thread. We're impatient and whenever a single shread of info comes, we analize it like a pack of piranhas. (pack? school? I'll stick with alliteration :p)

Bottom line: I'd take less for more intervals than overkill. Then again, PvZ2 is old and likely uses gimmicks very much as a crutch at this point to remain relavent, but given the sheer lack of competition for the roughly 4 1/2 years it's been out, I think it may be better in hindsight to start updating rather than reinventing.