Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-27053902-20171126033950/@comment-24024415-20180115003119

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Mr. Boss-inator wrote:
What's your deal with TF2? Alright, I admit, Gas Passer sucks. Besides that the update was great and worth the wait.

Mostly because I find it an excelent example of both game's outlook to updates, and a good berameter due to TF2's release and general community consensus after the fact. And given the lifespan of most apps is considerably less than PC, I'd be willing to put a hearty 2 times multiplyer on PvZ2's estimated age, making it ~9 years to TF2's 10, so whatever state of degredation is relatively similar in my eyes.

I just want to see some new content that's been in the closest thing to development heck I've ever seen in the franchise. Or see it respectfully laid to rest, but EA's pockets run through this game too deeply for that to be seen anytime soon.

I didn't mean to infer that JI was a mess, much more the augmenter than breaker. Reading back, that was atrocious wording on my part, I apologize XD