Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-27053902-20180529023301/@comment-25093069-20180722104856

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My opinion is that a levelling up system is not true to Pvz. When they made pvz 2, the time travel concept was amazing and plant food was an awesome addition and it truly felt like a bigger and better sequel.

I don’t think George fan would approve of a levelling up system if if he was still hired. A peashooter should never be able to easily kill a gargantuar even after a lot of grinding. Each plant is supposed to have a unique set of abilities, individual values of damage and health. It just isn’t pvz. But that’s just my opinion.

As long as the levelling system is optional, I’m happy. But if they make a pvz 3, the levelling system should be better integrated into the game. Each plant should have a lot fewer levels (say 5 levels for each plant) and it should be a lot less Grindy. Also, we should have the ability to switch back and forth between plant levels. And a peashooter shouldn’t become so powerful that it can destroy a gargantuar and so on. Each plant shouldn’t become that OP.

But knowing EA, they will probably do the same thing as pvz 2. But if they do, I hope that it’s still optional and all the levels are still doable with level 1 plants.