Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-27053902-20180529023301/@comment-25093069-20180722114052

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IAmPlayer wrote: I actually like that leveling system, because the more level it's raised, it costs more, not less, which is better. But actually, why don't we have something in a style of Skill Tree, where, for example, Peashooter have two additional ability as the perks when reaching a milestone level, like 5 or 10, but there are three things that you can get by using the usual upgrade, because you can either pick:

  • Damage Upgrade, but the plant costs 25 or 50 more
  • Attack Speed Upgrade, but the attack damage is lowered by 5 dps, or...
  • Cost Upgrade, where the plant costs 25 or 50 less, but it gets longer recharge time.
  • For defensive plants and sun-producing plants, they can get Sun Producing Upgrade or Health Upgrade as the additional ones.
  • Recharge goes down every 2 levels by 1, so by making your plants cheap would not going to be a problem.

This way it can be more strategic on deciding which one to upgrade, but it could be even more strategic if there's a limit in the Skill Tree's Currency, for example, Peashooter can only go to Level 10, that means you have 8 points to be used in Peashooter, since level 5 and 10 gives a new ability instead of the currency.

Wow, that’s actually a really cool idea!