Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-27101994-20170422033653/@comment-25093069-20170424132526

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This may be an unpopular opinion but Goldman has done the right thing. Goldman, this place has clearly...brought out the worst in you. Leaving is going to be best for your overall well-being and happiness and I truly hope you find inner peace and release these negative thoughts and feelings. This is not how life should be lived.

I realised over a year ago that arguing here was pointless and a waste of time when I should be focusing on other important things in my life. Goldman, the problem is not other people who make you this angry, it is inside of you.. People come and go but you still are never satisfied. In fact for a while I thought your attitude had improved a lot and i was able to have civilized conversations with you. Seeing you in so much rage and lashing out like this makes it obvious for me that you have a lot of internal anguish that cannot be healed the more you spend time here. The reason you are unhappy is not because of other "stupid and illiterate" people, you need to find happiness withtin yourself and I think you've made the right decision. :)

Goldman, I know we had a rough start but then I started to see the real you and you seemed to be much happier person and I liked you for that, seeing you like this really worries me and I think it's best if you take a long break. I want you to go out and find meaning within your life, discover yourself, find true peace and become the best version of yourself you can be because I know that inside you are a truly good person. Internet wars are a terrible waste of time (I can say that from experience), you only live once, surround yourself with people you love and who can bring out the best in you. :)

And once you finally feel like you have found yourself and are truly content with your life, you are free to come back here and this wiki will accept you with open arms. :)

I wish you the best of luck in life, take care. :)