Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-27101994-20170422033653/@comment-5513687-20170424113810

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Please guys. Carm down, I hate fighting... Everyone likes different things. Arguing against the leveling won't change anything because so many people like it. Arguing for it is pointless cause it is already here and you aren't playing a game FOR someone so you can't tell someone to level plants if they don't want to. Both sides of the argument are pointless because everyone plays their game differently, with different ideas, stratergies and main plants. Some people like the help, others like the challange. It is entirly up the that person how they want to play the game. 

If you don't like someone's opinion (cause that is what these arguments are) just ignore it, or don't engage in it. Its really simple.

I am trying hard to remain impartial, I hope I did a good job :/ It probably too late for this post anyway...