Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-5760976-20160205211204/@comment-25214517-20160207181406

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My rating of the Shadow plants form best to worst:

1. Dusk Lobber (Looks really powerful and prbably a plant I will use a lot, easily outclasses Nightshade as the got to offensive Shadow Plant)

2. Shadow Shroom (Finally a poison plant and also it's plant food its really good at clearing out hordes of zombies)

3. Moonflower (Necessary if you want to make any shadow plant good, decent sun production plant but only in decent numbers)

4. Nightshade (Useless if it isn't powered and only ok if pwoered, it gets the job done but Dusk Lobber is so much better).

5. Grimrose (Doesn't sound very powerful and I hope it can kill a gargantuar otherwise I'm probably not going to ever use this. Howevr I'm keeping an opne mind until I see gameplay and play with it.)