Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-5760976-20160407214636/@comment-27275617-20160414233207

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TheGollddMAN wrote:
Mr. Boss-inator wrote:
TheGollddMAN wrote:
Mr. Boss-inator wrote:
TheGollddMAN wrote:
Mr. Boss-inator wrote:
TheGollddMAN wrote:
Mr. Boss-inator wrote:
Actually, Garlic doesn't divert zombies who bite it in PvZ 2. If you plant it in a crowd of any amount of zombies, they all will get diverted (though garlic will die). Plus, I've seen once Punk Zombie being diverted while Punk jam was playing, meaning he didn't even bite it. So my final conclusion is that it is AoE that diverts zombies in a very close range after a second or so.
It's because they are biting it. How else would it die if no one's biting it? Not to mention, Garlic in both games work essentially the same; being eaten. If the zombies did get diverted and the Garlic died, that means some of the zombies ate it and that's why they were diverted. It's silly to think the zombies will be diverted without Garlic even doing anything. Also, maybe the garlic was boosted and/or the Punk ate it but you didn't notice it. The reason I'm saying this is because I used Garlic and it didn't seem to have an AOE even when two bucketheads were close to each other.
So, maybe PopCap has buffed it recently? Even then I still don't notice either an AOE or any more than 4 zombies being diverted for my Garlic (my normal Garlic that is).
1. I've not boosted any plants since BWB part 2 update.

2. Punk jam was playing continuously.

3. That crowd was made of more than 12 zombies. (I was having fun in EZ :P)

4. What I am saying is that PvZ 2 Garlic diverts zombies not with its taste (because why the heck zombie kills garlic and after a second since it's dead he decides to get stunned and change the lane), but with its stink, that can remain there for a moment after Garlic's death (but still visible only for those zombies that were there before Garlic died).

I played NMT again and I cannot get a proof of concept for this last point. Even when I place Garlic in a crowd, only the zombies that eat it are diverted. How did it do that for you? It didn't divert anything with its smell or anything like that. Also, maybe you are misunderstanding this. Zombies have an animation frame of where they get diverted into some other lane after 1 second of delay. IF Garlic dies before that, that particular zombie in question will still get diverted as the animation will trigger since he ate a part of Garlic. I think that's what you misunderstood as an AOE of Garlic.
Maybe that doesn't work anymore, but trust me, earlier it WAS AoE.
Hmm but don't you think if it was AOE at some point, someone would have found that out and let everybody know? We find literally every small tricks and tweaks before the devs even get the chance to show it to us.
Who knows, maybe there is still something we don't know. We can't prove that we know literally everything about PvZ 2 nature.
We have found ways to exploit the currency, unlcok plants, the abilities of said plants, zombies, lawn, textures, text, story, levels whatever; this means we know all methods for messing with the game. Next we have ways to get the executable and break that further to get info on upcoming stuff. I think we at this point, really know everything the game has. When you familiarise yourself with the game code, there is nothing really left as that is the most important thing above anything else.

For the record, I looked into it and Garlic doesn't have any tile based codes for it's abilities (yet) which indicates the AOE. Maybe it will gain such when the level upgrades come, but who knows. As far as the info currently shows, this system makes some plants even more weak than before. Hopefully they fix these things before releasing it. If not, it's a tough call. Also, the health for Garlic in the code shows it as "C", which further proves my point.

Yes, yes, and you could do that for PvZ1 5 years after it came out yet I found something about Torchwood that no one else did with little messing around(it was that splash damage doesn't warm up slowed down zombies).

Also, as a counter-argument:

The codes of many games don't show how bugs came to be; therefore, bugs don't exist.

That's the structure of your argument, and I just dismantled it.

Another thing; you said that me saying Garlic could take either two bites or two half-bites was less accurate than your three actual bites, but your video puts it at three half-bites, witch, even if you consider actual bites half-bites for your next post, still puts me as rather accurate with only a half-bite(or full bite, your choice) away from accurate. Also, you didn't adress what happened when a zombie wasn't done diverting before eating or if it was slowed/frozen while eating. It only proved that Garlic had 12 half-bites(bites? Your call) and nothing else.

Enough with this diversion(Garlic joke not intended)So, no one has any information about the Arcade Machine or Aloe? No clue when they release or how to access them?