Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-5760976-20160407214636/@comment-27275617-20160416175229

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Strimes49 wrote:

TheGollddMAN wrote:

Strimes49 wrote:
I found the weirdest glitch.

While playing HttDR (I'm now at level 30 btw),an all star kicked an imp into my melons and when I tried to use Hurrikale to make it kill something else, it still exploded on my melon but did AREA damage and killed melons in the neighbouring lanes!

Neighboring lanes as in how many tiles?
Just directly above and below the explosion, and one tile ahead too. So it killed 4 of my melons as if the imp magically got an AoE.

Wierd, I would think it would only kill plants in its lane, as I know I can make it land further with a Hurrikale and it would still explode(which is wierd, because one would think that cold should put it out if it took out Prospector dynamite.).

I also found a few of these Imps chewing on non-defensive plants, so maybe there's something glitchy there.