Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-5760976-20161219003644/@comment-1997588-20161229025304

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YammaYamer21 wrote:

Dannylol271 wrote:
Probably late to say this so I guess it's a bit off?
Anyone salty/jelly?

So back on topic, anything new?


1 Star if you did it w/out the OPrems(you know what I'm talking about)

2 Stars if you did it w/out any (solely) $$ Prems. (Guys like PL and Imitater are fine)

3 Stars if you used no Prems, period. (that includes GP & the other Gemiums)

All the Kudos if anyone can get triple-digits on 3 stars past (the past) FF.

Far Future? I reached triple-digits but with PL + Imitater. I'm sure I can do fine with Sun Bean + Gold Bloom as substitute though.

Of course I always avoid Gargantuar. It's not in your requirement list so that's still valid.