Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-5760976-20161219003644/@comment-1997588-20170108084705

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LittleRedFlame wrote:

LittleRedFlame wrote:

TheHandsomePlant wrote:

TheGollddMAN wrote:
TheHandsomePlant wrote:
TheGollddMAN wrote:
TheHandsomePlant wrote:
TheGollddMAN wrote:
So a few more observations regarding this leveling system:

1. Apparently the purchaseable pinatas switch around in the shop. Yesterday it was Ancient Egypt, Pirate Seas, Wild West. Today it is Far Future, Dark Ages, Frostbite Caves and Lost City.

2. All premium plants require 20 seed packets on Level 1 and 100 on Level 2 meaning they will be the hardest to upgrade because of how many they require.

3. Plants are still locked at random levels namely 3 and 5. I wish someone told me what is up with that. I have a hunch about the reason and it better not be that.

3. I forgot to notice that each plant entry in the plant levelling data has a string called "LevelCap". I didn't know what it meant so I didn't bother adding it to the blog. Each plant has one and it's always at either Level 3 or 5. I don't know its purpose, but it can be changed (offline only). And it would still reset it to the max level everytime you'd go online.
Figured as much but what I wanna know is "why?" We all know for a fact that Peashooter has a max level of 20 and even the tutorial shows that. So why are we only able to upgrade it to Level 5? What's the point in capping it to 5?
As for the purpose it is basically there to stop players from upgrading their plants too much. Also, since it would reset you plant to their capped level of either 3 or 5, I am guessing they actually intentionally did this. HOWEVER, using a modded data file does not do that. We can still get a Level 20 Peashooter and others at max while online (except for Escape Root which gets locked at Level 3). Do you have any thing to say about that? I am curious if you have any suggestions. Also why is Thyme Warp and Gold Leaf completely locked out of upgrades?
Chances are that they capped it so they can test if everything's alright with the system on the first update. Or they might just increase the cap with each update so one cannot just keep trying level them up to 10/15/20 each day. About Thyme Warp and Gold Leaf... I don't really know that either. I don't justify and explain the actions PopCap intended, I just describe about what they did.
I don't need justifications, I just wanna know what you think about this Thyme Warp and Gold Leaf thing and this whole capping the levels. Your thoughts basically.

Honestly to me, at this point the entire idea of Plant Leveling System seems really unnecessary to me. I thought it was supposed to help players get past certain hard levels... And reward them with Pinatas everytime when beating any level... But for now it seems it's just supposed to help people get further in Endless Zones, which is not really worth doing it by making an entire system of upgrades for plants just for this. About Thyme Warp and Gold Leaf, I'm guessing that they didn't bother just adding them to the list of plants available to be upgraded. Maybe because the cost and recharge didn't really matter? Or there was a bug with collecting their seed packets? And the point of capping the levels sounds quite good to me, because even after 4-5 days of playing the game daily on a new account to test those upgrades, all I got upgraded so far was a Level 2 Peashooter, Wall-nut, Grave Buster, and E.M.Peach... It'll still need some time for new players to notice the cap barrier.

In my perpective, they should have made like this kind of more useful. For example crazy dave would appear and say "Hey bud, I feel bad our journey is over, so lets travel back time to repeat this journey, plus I get to eat that taco again! -Yes- -No- Great! Btw Do you want to get to keep all your plants, coins, and gems?" -Yes- -No- if(answer=="Yes"):

  "Beware though, i feel like zombies have gone stronger, thats why I brought leveling plants with me!" 


  "Beware though, zombies have gone stronger, and you are taking a long and hard path, do you still want to continue with a "No?""
   -Yes- -No-
     "Ok then, I brought leving plants with me so we should be ok!"
     "Ok then, lets proceed with all your data! We have the advantage this time!"

Note: Choosing "Yes" is the easy diffuculty, Choosing "No" Then "No" is the Normal diffuculty, and choosing "No" then "Yes" will be the hard diffuculty

This is only a dream though, a dream that will never be applied.

Whoahh!!! I did something! Is that ok??? Im scared if thats against the rules. All I did was apply my python skills to express my idea better xD

Nah. All you did was formatting the wikitext. Placing space at the start of the line will indent your paragraph. Whoops, that would be colon. Placing space at the start of the line will turn your text into monospace text; practical for codes.